Maintaining Grass by Your Pool

August 18, 2017 | Grass, posted by Sasha

Grass next to pool

A swimming pool is a great addition to any property. It is valuable especially during the searing heat of summer. Its aesthetic value in any establishment is also valuable. A swimming pool has the potential of raising the property significantly. However, without proper maintenance swimming pools can turn into eyesores and potential sources of infections for users.

The aesthetic value of a swimming pool is not automatic and does not come solely by properly maintaining the swimming pool. Having a swathe of lush green grass growing around the swimming pool is refreshing. Grass adds texture to the overall property landscape as it has the potential of breaking the monotony of the barren texture of concrete or tiles around the pool. Some of these ornamental grasses around the pool such as lemongrass act as mosquito repellents. The catch in enjoying these benefits is: you have to find the right type of grass to plant around your pool and maintain it properly through best practices.

Shopping for Grass Suitable for Your Pool? Factors to Consider

From artificial to natural, there are numerous varieties of grasses that can provide that green swathe around your pool. The key to finding the suitable natural grass is shopping around and digging beyond the surface of the information provided to understand their characteristics. Additionally, consider the safety, maintenance cost and color and texture of the grass. Moreover, consider the theme of your landscape and climate and microclimate of the area.

What Grass is Good for Around Pools?

There are various species and varieties of grasses that are suitable to plant around in-ground swimming pools.

Burgundy grass

This is also a low maintenance grass that is highly drought resistant and requires little watering. Its cascading leaves and deep purple color add significant aesthetic value to swimming pools.


Zoysia has low ground covering capabilities and hence little mowing is required. It thrives in sunlight and thus requires little watering, which also reduces maintenance cost.

Density Buffalo

Density Buffalo has a significant level of tolerance to drought, and can also tolerate frequent splashes with chlorinated water.

St. Augustine and Bermuda Varieties

The St. Augustine and Contact us today to find out more about the delivering the finest grass from our quality farms off the Texas Gulf Coast. We guarantee our customer will receive the freshest grass available.