6 Outdoor Summer Fun Classics That Could Be Harmful For Your Lawn

April 14, 2016 | Grass, Lawn Care, posted by Sasha

Summers are filled with laughter and time outside with the family. However, your grass will be put under more strain from some of the summer fun you and your family are having. Be sure to watch out for some of these summer classics and make sure your grass makes it to fall.

Inflatable Pool

Inflatable Pools

This summer staple can help you and your family stay cool. Inflatable pools can be a great alternative to the permanent pools that you have to take care of year round. Although above ground pools can be a relief, leaving them outside for long periods of time will suffocate your grass, leaving it dead and brown.



While nighttime campfires are an enjoyable bonding experience, they can also be dangerous. Summers in Texas can be very dry; your campfire can become an uncontrolled bonfire. Fires can spread quickly, damaging not only your grass but can also cause significant financial loss. Instead of having a campfire on the ground try a chiminea!

child on water slide

Slip N’ Slides

Slip N’ Slides are the next best thing to a pool, but can also kill your grass if you leave it out too long. You can also harm your grass from the soapy solutions used to make the slide slippery.

While some home remedies for making your grass green include dish soap, large quantities can overwhelm your grass. When you finish with the Slip N’ Slide, spray water on the area where the slide was located.

Golden Glowing Tent


Backyard camping is perfect for those nights you want a little adventure, but don’t want to go far from home. Make sure to take the tent down when you are finished so the grass underneath can get the sunlight that it needs. Also, be sure not to rip up too much grass when you are staking the poles into the ground.

Children Jumping


Trampolines are the perfect summer pastime to get some energy out while being active. However, trampolines create a good deal of shade which can be harmful to the growth of your grass. To prevent your lawn from getting a large round brown spot, push your trampoline to another spot in the yard every couple of days to make sure that the grass underneath can get the sun it needs to stay alive.

Water Blobs

Water Blobs are a fun way to stay cool in the summer heat. A water blob is a large homemade water sac, made from plastic sheets, an iron, and some water. You can create one as big as your heart desires.

A water blob can also be a bit of a pain. After it is completed, you want to leave it out so it can get some good use. Be careful when leaving the blob out; it could kill the grass underneath it.