What Happens on a Sod Farm?

Are you curious about what it is that we do on our Grass Outlet farms? Well, here’s an overview of how we turn vegetation grass sprigs into beautiful, fresh sod for your grass needs.
- Planting
We grow a lot of grass— A LOT. And we produce many types of grass. We plant each species in its appropriate field/region during the growing season. - Caring
Once we plant the grass, we nurture it to maturity over a year or two, depending on the grass species (each takes a different amount of time to mature). We keep a precise watering, fertilizing, and mowing schedule to ensure that the grass is growing in optimal conditions. We keep our grasses weed-free, disease-free, and pest-free with preventative, commercial-strength pesticide applications. By doing this, the grass we deliver will create the perfect lawn when installed & appropriately maintained. - Harvesting
To ensure freshness, we cut and harvest the sod within 24 hours of when the grass needs to be laid. We cut the mature grass into thick pieces with enough roots and rhizomes to establish healthily. We use a specifically designed sod harvester to cut the sod into desired blocks to be ready for installation upon receipt.
Here at The Grass Outlet, we put tremendous amounts of heart and effort into growing grass for you, and we hold great pride in the quality of both our grasses and service. The alternative to sodding – seeding – requires much less work and time to prepare & deliver on the seller’s end, so this method’s upfront cost is lower. Seeding can often prove difficult due to unpredictable environmental factors, such as the seeds being removed from the soil by water runoff, wind, clothing/shoes, wild animals, and birds. The cultivation of seed lawns takes months and months before beginning to look like a sod lawn. While you might be saving money upfront by buying cheaper grass seeds, you’ll be spending more on resources (newly planted seed requires a lot of water!). With sod, we grow and mature the grass to save you time, money, and resources to achieve your beautiful, healthy, and mature lawn as soon as you plant! Finally, we only grow & sell hybrid grasses that are not available as seeds. These hybrid cultivars are easier & cheaper to grow & maintain due to their natural resistance to wear, pests, drought, and disease.
If you have any questions or are interested in buying some new sod, contact The Grass Outlet today.