How to Control Crab Grass Organically

May 9, 2013 | Gardening, posted by Sasha

crab grass in sparse dirt

With summer getting close, the number of lawn concerns you have is probably growing, especially if you’re trying to maintain an organic lawn. Summer is the time almost every weed that reproduces by seed starts growing, so maintaining a healthy organic lawn during this season can be difficult. The concern we’ve been hearing about the most lately has been crab grass.

Fortunately for homeowners, crab grass is easy to control organically if you have a healthy lawn. Here are our tips for keeping your lawn healthy — and crab grass at bay — this summer:

  • If you haven’t already fertilized for the year, don’t fertilize too heavy (autumn is the better time to fertilize heavily) so you don’t grow healthy crab grass along with the grass you want.
  • Fill in bare spots in your yard so crab grass doesn’t find a spot to grow. Without grass there to choke out the weed, crab grass can grow unencumbered.
  • Water deeply and less frequently, training your grass to grow deep roots. Crab grass has a very shallow root system.
  • Mow your lawn higher than you might think: Leave your grass between 2.5 and 3 inches tall. This helps the grass crowd out the weeds by blocking the light from reaching them.

If your grass isn’t healthy enough to keep crab grass at bay, it might be time to think about replacing your lawn. At The Grass Outlet, we offer eight varieties of sod grass to help you find the best variety for your lawn. Visit our shop or read about our grass.