Taking Care of Buffalo Grass

July 1, 2013 | Grass, Lawn Care, posted by Sasha

Buffalo grass is a prevalent native species of turfgrass found in many yards throughout Texas. Buffalograss lawns are known for their low water requirements and are best suited to areas that receive less than 30″ of rainfall per year. Buffalograss should only be planted by homeowners that appreciate a more natural, untraditional prairie-like lawn. With the proper knowledge, maintaining Density Buffalo can be a breeze. Below are tips to help you maintain a lush, green Buffalo lawn.


Mowing the lawn is essential to keeping the grass healthy & dense, as this cultural practice encourages lateral growth in warm-season grasses. A full, lush lawn is key to choking out potential weeds. The recommended mow height for Density Buffalograss is 1 to 4 inches. Mowing the grass too short encourages it to grow faster & denser, but it will require more frequent mowing. Further, maintaining it at the higher end of the recommended mow height will help shade the soil, reducing the likelihood of weed seed germination. Buffalograss is a native prairie grass that should be kept taller.


It is essential not to give too much or too little water. Depending on the weather, Buffalograss requires one inch of water every 7-10 days to stay green (in milder temps, it can sometimes go up to 14 days without irrigation). It might need a little more water, up to 1.5 inches, to remain green during the summer. During droughts, the grass does not need supplemental water to survive, but it will go dormant and turn brown without it. Watering too much encourages weeds & fungal diseases, especially when the grasses aren’t actively growing (e.g., during the winter). Over-watering encourages Bermudagrass encroachment.


You do not need to fertilize Buffalograss. Applying light amounts of nitrogen will result in faster-growing, greener grass, but it should not exceed 2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per year. Nitrogen fertilization also encourages Bermudagrass encroachment. The presence of Bermudagrass & weeds is a telling sign that you are over-managing or over-fertilizing your Buffalograss lawn.

If you have any questions or are interested in Density Buffalograss, contact The Grass Outlet today, and we will be glad to help.