Fall Into Better Lawn Care
Everyone rejoice, it’s no longer 100-degrees in Texas! As the number dips into cooler temperatures and the days get shorter, it’s important to change your lawn care habits. When seasons change, the way you take care of your lawn will affect the way your lawn grows in the spring.
Fall Lawn Care Tips:
Fertilization. Giving your lawn extra nutrients through fertilization will help your lawn survive through the winter. The roots rely on stored food until spring.
Aeration. During this transition into cooler weather, it is a great opportunity to aerate your lawn. To read about proper aeration, you can look at our post that covers everything you need to know here.
Leaf-free. Leaves left on your lawn are blocking your lawn from the sunlight it needs. Raking or blowing your lawn at least once a week is ideal for a healthy fall lawn.
Grub control. What is grub? They are larval forms of beetles that feed on plant roots. They may be the reason why you see irregular brown patches in your lawn. It is ideal to treat your lawn for grub in late summer or early fall.
Fertilize, aerate, control, and rake. You will thank yourself in the spring if you prep your lawn for the fall. If you have anymore questions, contact us at The Grass Outlet!