Confused by Lawn Care Terms?

Aeration: The process of removing plugs of soil to enable more oxygen, water, and nutrients to reach the root system.
Amendments: Substances added to the soil to improve its structure.
Chlorosis: When green grass blades turn yellow due to a deficiency of the chlorophyll pigment. Both environmental and chemical changes can cause this condition.
Compacted Soil: Hard or impenetrable soil; soil that does not “breathe” due to poor cultivation and/or high traffic. (Lawn aeration helps with this.)
Compost: The end product of decomposed organic matter that helps feed the soil.
Desiccation: The death or injury of grass caused by dry conditions during winter dormancy.
Fertilizer: Organic or inorganic compounds that promote plant growth by providing nutrients.
Fertilizer Burn: A visible area of browning or yellowing grass caused by excess fertilization.
Hardpan: Dry, hard land that cannot support living organisms.
Loam: A soil mixture that combines various amounts of clay, sand, and silt ideal for turfgrass.
Mulch: A bulk material such as shredded bark, fallen leaves, or compost that protects plant and flower beds from weeds and aids in retaining moisture.
Organic: Plant and animal materials devoid of synthetic (manufactured) elements.
pH: Where a soil falls on the scale that measures alkalinity vs. acidity. This measurement directly affects the way a soil accepts nutrients.
Rolling: Using a weighted round barrel with an attached handle to smooth out newly-laid sod and help its roots connect well with the soil.
Scalping: Mowing the lawn too short, causing extreme stress to the grass. Can weaken or kill the grass.
Sod: Fresh-cut squares or strips of turfgrass that are used to transform a lawn instantly.
Thatch: A layer of organic plant parts that accumulates between the soil and grass blades, making the lawn more wear-resistant. Too much thatch (more than 1/2-1”) prevents moisture, air, and nutrient absorption. It can also aid in lawn diseases.
Top Dressing: Nutrient-rich organic material that’s sprinkled on top of plants to feed them.
Turf: See “sod.”
Don’t worry if you still don’t have all the terms down. At The Grass Outlet, we’re the grass experts, so you don’t have to be. When you order sod from us, we can help you achieve success before, during, and after sod installment–that’s our commitment to your satisfaction. Ready to get started? Check out our online store today to find out what grass varieties we have to offer you.