Controlling Spider Mites
Spider mites are so tiny that they’re hard to notice until there’s enough of them to cause some damage. The full grown adults measure only 1/50 of an inch at most. They are spiderlike in that they have eight legs and no antennae, and they come in various different colors.
Spider mites lay their eggs on the underside of leaves and on buds of plants. They are most commonly seen swarming and attacking tomatoes, marigolds, strawberries, roses, junipers, rosemary, fruit trees, and house plants. As a result, they can be a serious threat to the garden and home if left untreated. Fortunately, they are not harmful or dangerous to humans.
Because they are so small, they are hard to notice just around the plant, especially since they sometimes blend in so well with the plants. An easy way to check for them and confirm their presence is to take a white sheet of computer paper and swipe it against leaves that you suspect to be affected and infested. If there are spider mites, they will come off onto the paper, and against the white you will be able to clearly see them crawling around.
If the infestation is not too serious, simply spray the infested plants with high pressure water. When spraying, it is ideal to start from beneath the foliage and spray upwards. This dislodges the eggs laid underneath the leaves. Repeat once a week until you are sure the infestation has passed. For more severe infestations, you can apply insecticidal soaps or horticultural oils. Again, spray upwards from beneath the plant foliage.
Gardening and lawncare can be challenging, and, in times of set back, it can be frustrating, but remember that it ultimately can be very satisfying and rewarding. Don’t be discouraged! If you are looking for a new start, contact the Grass Outlet today.