All About Zoysia

Zoysia is quite commonly seen in home lawns around Texas. It is a warm-season grass that is native to Southeast Asia & Australia. Zoysia cultivars are sod-forming perennial species, making them very popular among sod farmers.
Except for Zeon Zoysia, zoysiagrasses will brown after the first frost. When healthy, Zeon Zoysia can retain its deep green coloring much longer than any other variety of grass that we carry. Zeon Zoysia maintenance is relatively simple, contributing to its widespread appeal. Zoysias green up quickly in the spring and are typically the first of our warm-season grasses to get back into the game.
Zoysia is quite versatile, and as a result, it is used in various situations. You will find Zoysia around Texas on golf courses, parks, lawns, and athletic fields. This grass species is impressively drought tolerant and can conserve moisture more effectively than most other grasses. It will yellow under severe drought conditions, but Zoysia will respond to irrigation or rainfall after the drought is over. They also have profound root systems, which allows them to draw water from lower depths.
Zoysiagrass is one of the toughest grasses for tolerating traffic and wear. However, they grow relatively slowly compared to some other grasses, so they cannot recover as quickly when worn down. So, Zoysia is well suited to lawns, baseball fields, and golf courses but not fields of concentrated traffic, such as soccer fields and football fields.
Zoysiagrasses are relatively flexible when it comes to soil conditions and can be grown in almost every type of soil. They prefer a level of soil acidity between 5.5-7.0. Zoysia has excellent shade tolerance, with Palisades Zoysia being the most shade-tolerant cultivar. The recommended mow height ranges from ½ to 2 inches. However, it would be best to increase your mowing height to ease its stress during the summer.
If you’re interested in zoysiagrass and want to know if it’s right for you, contact The Grass Outlet today.