empty field next to a body of water

When choosing between grass varieties, it’s best to consider the layout of your yard, the weather conditions of your region, how much upkeep you’re willing to do, and what type of grass you find aesthetically appealing. Some grass types will do fine under large shady trees, but could require a lot of water.  Others may be perform well in heavy traffic but take longer to regrow once wore down.

St. Augustine

St. Augustine is the classic turf grass that many of us remember from our childhoods. It has broad, dark green blades and forms a thick, carpet-like lawn. St. Augustine varieties generally require more water but can crowd out most weeds and performs well in shady areas.


Buffalo grass is native to North American prairies and rarely grows taller than five inches. It is highly drought resistant, making it a smart choice for areas that don’t receive much rainfall and require less maintenance.  Buffalo is not for shady areas and doesn’t grow as thick as the other grass varieties, therefore may be prone to weed problems.


Zoysia grass is native to southeastern and eastern Asia, but can be found today all over Texas. It forms a dense, soft mat that is resistant to foot traffic and most disease.  Zoysia can grow in a variety of temperatures and water conditions, making it one of the more popular grasses.


Bermuda has grey-green blades that can be maintained as low as half an inch.  It will not grow well in shade, but holds up extremely well under heavy foot traffic and has excellent regrowth, making it ideal for sports fields and sunny home lawns.  It can withstand dry and cold conditions and requires more frequent mowing during its growing season.

To learn about the different grass families and types, check out our products page or give us a call today.